U-Profile Handrail Protector


£4.75 Including VAT

Our U-profile Handrail Protectors are the ideal solution for both home and commercial environments.

These re-usable, self-gripping protectors are easy to install, providing an effective way to prevent handrail damage.

Crafted from cushioned, closed-cell foam, they not only absorb shock but are also extremely impact and scratch resistant. Simply clip them directly onto the handrail without the need for additional fixing.

Available in boxes of 50, they accommodate handrail dimensions of 50 – 70mm width.

  • Re-usable and self-gripping for easy installation.
  • 2m Foam U-Profile - Price Per Single 2m Length
  • Scratch resistant for enhanced durability.
  • Designed to clip directly onto handrails without additional fixing.
  • Protects handrails with dimensions of 50 - 70mm width.
Heavy Duty Heavy Duty
Reusable Reusable

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