Industry compliant temporary protection

ClosedLoop remanufacturing in the UK

Supporting your sustainability targets

Over 30 years of construction expertise

All Case Studies

The Royal College of Arts

19 November, 2024


waste diverted from landfill

7.89t CO2

carbon saving


trees needed to absorb the equivalent greenhouse gas

Through Protec’s ClosedLoop Scheme, used ProplexFR sheets were recycled into new materials, supporting Kier’s sustainable goals.

The Royal College of Arts project represents a significant sustainability achievement for Kier and Protec, working in partnership to repurpose used protection boards through the Proplex ClosedLoop Remanufacturing Scheme.


Protec supplied ProplexFR temporary protection sheets to Kier for the Royal College of Arts project in London so they could effectively protect floors, walls and surfaces from accidental damage throughout the construction works.

Normally these sheets would be disposed of through the mixed waste stream going to either landfill or incineration.

By adopting the Proplex ClosedLoop Remanufacturing Scheme all the protection waste was uplifted from site and returned to our Sheffield plant where it was recycled and remanufactured into new temproary protection sheets ready to be used on site again.

“Kier, and the Royal College of Art Project, are proud to be associated with Protec's Proplex ClosedLoop Remanufacturing Scheme. It is vital that we start changing the mindset and perceptions of the construction industry, not only in today’s environment, but for the future.”

KIER – Senior Site Manager


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